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About HOUR

Vision: All JHU undergraduates have access to impactful research opportunities
regardless of background or social capital.

The Hopkins Office for Undergraduate Research (HOUR) builds upon Johns Hopkins University’s strengths and goals as America’s first research university by taking advantage of the thousands of faculty, staff, and graduate students involved in research and creative projects promoting a culture of research and scholarship that enriches the undergraduate experience. HOUR’s vision and the programs we support reflect these goals.

Over 80% of Hopkins undergraduates participate in at least one research experience during their time at Hopkins. Students average 8-10 hours per week during the academic year participating in research opportunities and often give up breaks to work full time on these projects.

See our 2024 Engagement Report

HOUR was founded in 2017 under the guidance of Denis Wirtz, Vice Provost for Research with the support of past Provost Sunil Kumar and President Ron Daniels. In 2019, HOUR moved under the leadership of Farouk Dey, Vice Provost for Integrative Learning and Life Design (ILLD). This move has created a strong team of offices supporting Hopkins undergraduates as they design their lives: HOUR, the Global Education Office, the Life Design Lab, and University Experiential Learning. Learn more about ILLD here.

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